When choosing a college or university, one of the first details that you should take into consideration is how to fund your education. Whether you are a service member, service member’s spouse, or a veteran, Penn State World Campus takes an active role in providing and accommodating education benefits.
Military Grant-in-Aid
If you are seeking an undergraduate education and actively serving in the armed forces, or if you are a spouse of someone who is actively serving, you can take advantage of the Military Grant-in-Aid program offered at Penn State World Campus. This benefit reduces undergraduate tuition rates for World Campus students to $324 per credit.
Military Tuition Assistance
Penn State World Campus also accepts military tuition assistance (typically $250 per credit and up to $4,500 per year, depending on your branch of service). A service member who utilizes both tuition assistance and Military Grant-in-Aid could possibly have his or her tuition reduced to $74 per credit. Spouses will also receive the $324 per credit tuition rate, which excludes the information technology fee and purchase of course materials.
Penn State World Campus encourages undergraduate students to file the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) each year. By doing so, you may be eligible for additional funding that will help reduce any out-of-pocket expenses remaining after using benefits like the Military Grant-in-Aid or military tuition assistance. Filing the FAFSA is required if you plan to apply for any Penn State World Campus scholarships, and there are five specifically designed to support service members, veterans, and their spouses. Learn more about scholarships or email financialaid@outreach.psu.edu.
Office of Veterans Programs
Penn State has a dedicated Office of Veterans Programs that, in addition to serving the University Park campus, serves Penn State World Campus students who are eligible for U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) education benefits. This office helped me figure out my own GI Bill benefit when I first set foot on the University Park campus as a new student. A semester later, it provided me with a work-study opportunity to fill my time between classes, so I am very familiar with the staff’s commitment to student veterans. Our online programs, both undergraduate and graduate, are approved for VA education benefits, such as the Post-9/11 GI Bill, and our VA Certifying Officials are available to assist you with navigating the VA education benefit process.
At Penn State we are honored that students affiliated with the military choose to pursue their education with us. When it comes to financing that education, we want to assist you with maximizing the benefits you’ve earned.
If you have any questions about utilizing an education benefit, please contact the Military Team at Penn State World Campus.
by Matthew Miller, Military Admissions Counselor