We are only 8 days away from THON, which starts on Friday, February 18th. While the World Campus will not have dancers at THON this year (we didn’t raise enough money to get into the dancer lottery), we will be there in spirit while continuing to raise money for THON to benefit the Four Diamonds Fund.
In the early 1970s, Christopher Millard, a 14-year-old boy from central Pennsylvania, was diagnosed with cancer. He spent his summer undergoing rigorous cancer treatments. When he returned to school, the teacher asked the class to write about how they spent their summer vacation. Not wanting to talk about his cancer, Christopher wrote The Four Diamonds.
This was the story of Sir Millard, a brave knight who had been captured by the evil sorceress Raptenahad. Raptenahad challenged him to complete four tasks and in return receive his freedom and four diamonds that represented courage, wisdom, honesty, and strength.
One of Sir Millard’s tasks was to capture the beautiful, yet elusive, Stacia Swan (named after Christopher’s sister, Stacia). With great intelligence, Sir Millard devised a plan to capture the Stacia Swan. His plan was successful, and he was granted the coveted Diamond of Wisdom.

If your child was diagnosed with cancer, would you be able to face it with wisdom? Could you make the right decisions? That is part of what The Four Diamonds does (and what THON funds)—provides wisdom through specially trained doctors, nurses, child life specialists and social workers (among others).
By the way, it is my intent that someday the World Campus will be the top fundraiser at THON because you will have the WISDOM to spread the message about THON and The Four Diamonds Fund around the world.
Next week to coincide with THON, we will talk about the diamonds of Courage and Strength. FTK!
You can be a brave knight like Sir Millard by helping conquer childhood cancers. Make a tax-deductible donation to THON. For “Designation Selection” select “General Organizations.” For “Gift Designation” select “World Campus.”