If you are graduating or otherwise leaving Penn State with student loan debt, you will soon begin making student loan payments. You most likely have more than one loan, and each will come with its own monthly bill. Depending on your situation, consolidating your loans may make repayment easier or lower your monthly payments. Federal…
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Student aid functions differently in the summer semester because of federal aid policies and the session-based schedule of courses. If you plan to use aid in the summer, these tips will help you prepare. 1. You may not have any aid left Summer is the third and final semester of the academic year, and typically…
Follow these tips when completing your FAFSA for a smoother aid process and additional funding opportunities. 1. Apply early. You can now submit your 2014-2015 FAFSA online. To ensure that you are considered for the maximum number of aid opportunities, the Office of Student Aid recommends that you submit your FAFSA by the following deadlines:…
The deadline for World Campus University Scholarships is fast approaching! There is a single application to apply for all of the Fall 2014-Spring 2015 scholarships. The deadline to apply is Friday, February 28, 2014. The World Campus University Scholarships application is used to award the most varied and valuable set of scholarships that the World…

Written by Kevin Horne, student intern in Outreach News and Communications Alicia McCormick always wanted a Penn State degree, but with two young children, a husband and a part-time job in Northumberland, Pennsylvania, that dream seemed unrealistic. But with the help of Penn State World Campus and a scholarship from the STEM Career Advancement Project…

The Office of Student Aid for World Campus and Continuing Education has new, extended hours effective August 1, 2013. Student Aid will now be available to assist you Monday-Thursday until 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The office remains open until 5:00 p.m. on Friday. Effective August 1, 2013, complete Student Aid Office hours are: Monday –…

The student aid process can be confusing, with so many forms, deadlines, and rules to keep track of. In order to clarify the aid process, The Office of Student Aid has created a Student Financial Aid Timeline which is now available on the Office of Student Aid website. The Timeline lays out the student aid…

The fall semester is the beginning of a new academic year and a new year for financial aid. Taking a few simple actions to prepare now can help you know what to expect and plan ahead. Start with the following three steps. 1. Review your Student Aid Checklist and Student Aid Summary. You can find…
When the Office of Student aid reviews your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), we may need you to clarify certain personal information through a process called verification. What is verification? Verification is the process by which the Office of Student Aid confirms the information you submitted on your FAFSA. Verification ensures that you…
If you have been accepted to Penn State and are trying to decide whether to attend here or elsewhere, there is a new tool to compare costs and aid at each school. What is it? The Student Aid Shopping Sheet is a standardized student aid award letter designed by the Department of Education. It is…