The Libraries offer many online resources for your research needs. But not everything is online. What if you want a book or CD from the library, or a book that Penn State Libraries don’t have, or an article where you only found the abstract online? Penn State Libraries can help.

The Libraries offer a delivery service to give you access to library material just as if you were on campus.
How Do I Get Started?
Signing up for the Libraries’ delivery service is a two-step procedure:
- Check to see if you need to register with the Libraries. If you’ve registered for classes you should already have an account, but you can check by going to My Library Account. If your information isn’t current, you can update it.
- Register for ILLiad services. Enter the address you want us to use to deliver books to you. Choose “World Campus” in the Campus Location drop-down box and “World” in the Pickup Location drop-down box. Scanned articles and book chapters will be posted to your ILLiad account.
How Do I Request Materials?
Once we have your address information, you can request books, CDs, videos, reports, theses, dissertations, articles, and book chapters, including material owned by other libraries. There are lots of options.
- To request materials from the University Libraries, search for your item in the CAT, then choose “I Want It.” In the “pickup location” dropdown menu, select “World Campus.”
- To request books from Pennsylvania academic libraries, search via E-ZBorrow, then select “World Campus” from the pickup location dropdown menu.
- To request materials from libraries around the world, search in the WorldCat, then choose “Request Item via ILL” to have the item information imported into an ILLiad request form. This request is attached to your ILLiad profile which already has “World” as a pickup location.
When searching, if you find an article that is not available in full text, select the “Get It!” button, then choose “Consider Interlibrary Loan.” This will have the article information imported into an ILLiad request form. Once Interlibrary Loan staff receive the article you requested, it will be posted to your ILLiad account.
When Will I Receive My Materials?
Loans are shipped via UPS Ground for fast delivery, but delivery times will vary based on where your materials are being shipped.
How Long Can I Keep the Materials?
Books found in the CAT have a semester loan with two renewals. Books requested via E-ZBorrow have a four-week loan with a four-week renewal. Books borrowed from other libraries have the loan period determined by the lending library.
You can ship or mail the books back to the library. A return mailing label is included with each book. Or, if you live near a Penn State campus, you can drop the books off at any Penn State library.
If you have any questions, please contact us at UL-ILLIAD-SUPPORT@LISTS.PSU.EDU or call us at 814-865-3480. Visit the Penn State University Libraries website for more information.
We look forward to serving you!
For additional information or questions, contact the University Libraries.
by Barbara Coopey