It’s our first post of 2011 from Learning Design! Here is a wintry snapshot of our building. Can you see Mt. Nittany in the background? Our office suite is located right behind that wall of windows on the first level. This can create a chilly workday for those of us closest to the windows, but what a view!

Even though there is snow on the ground, spring semester has begun! We want to welcome you back, and hope you had a nice, relaxing break. We enjoyed some time off too, but are back and busy working with your instructors to make sure everything is running smoothly.
What are We Doing?
Along with beginning of semester duties, we are actually looking toward summer and your future courses! Believe it or not when one semester gets underway, we are already planning for the next one and sometimes even the one after that! We may be beginning a revision of a course, setting up course space on our server and in ANGEL for the upcoming semester, or meeting with course authors to discuss new course content. Learning Design staff is also spending time researching the latest trends, such as mobile learning, gaming and simulations, and social media. We would welcome hearing your ideas on what new technology you would like to see as part of your learning experience.
Did You Know?
Our list of course materials is viewable in the Course Catalog on our Web site several months prior to the next semester. According to Kathy Highbaugh, Learning Design quality assurance manager, World Campus was proactive in complying with the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, which went into effect July 2010 and requires universities to inform students about the cost of textbooks and materials prior to registering. Starting in spring 2010 we allowed students to view course materials ahead of time. For example, most of the information for our summer semester materials, including textbook ISBN numbers, will be available by February 1. By the beginning of March, you will be able to see the list for next fall!
How does this help you?
By knowing what materials you need far in advance, you have the time to shop around and find the best prices! Since you have this information at the same time that you are scheduling courses, you can compare courses based on cost of materials. We truly hope this alleviates some financial concerns for you, our students. Please leave a comment below or ask a question! We would love to hear your thoughts.