How to Navigate Courses if You Have a Disability: JooYoung Seo’s Student Perspective

I’m Sonya Woods, an accessibility consultant for Penn State’s World Campus Learning Design. Part of my job is working with instructional designers and instructional production specialists to help them design course content that works well for students with disabilities, including blindness. Since I work with design staff and our students are at a distance, I…

Maggie Kwok, Academic Adviser and Disability Specialist

Maggie Kwok is an academic adviser and disability specialist at Penn State World Campus. Here’s our conversation about the important position she holds with Penn State: Tell me about your position as an academic adviser and disability specialist to our military students at Penn State World Campus. I work with the Penn State World Campus…

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) As Illustrated by AMC’s The Walking Dead

Given my four years in the United States Navy, taking online classes over the course of two deployments, and working toward my bachelor’s degree since 2013, I realize that I notice things a little differently than others. This became especially evident when I recently considered my loyalty to a popular television series. My military service…

Faculty Focus: Antone Aboud

Antone Aboud is a professor of labor and employment relations at Penn State. We recently caught up with him to learn more about his unique background and what he enjoys about teaching courses for Penn State World Campus. Please give our readers a sense of your teaching background. After receiving my PhD in collective bargaining,…

Mindset Matters: The Power of Positive Thinking

Did you know that your mindset predicts how well you will achieve things? When you have strong beliefs about yourself, they can influence real-life outcomes. Research indicates a strong correlation between how intelligent we believe ourselves to be and how it affects our abilities. Have you always thought of yourself as mediocre mathematician, a slow…

Faculty Focus: Anthony Robinson

Anthony Robinson is an assistant professor of geography and director of Online Geospatial Programs at Penn State. He leads Penn State’s postbaccalaureate GIS Certificate and Master of Geographic Information Systems programs in the John A. Dutton e-Education Institute. He also serves as an assistant director for the GeoVISTA Center in the Department of Geography. We…

Use Mindful Communication to Improve Relationships

“The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.” — Mark Twain Human connection is communication. Effective communication is required of us in school, work, and family life. We need it to write our ideas, express our wisdom, and maintain and build relationships. In fact,…