Universal Design for Learning: Penn State World Campus’s Approach to Course Design

by Nikki Massaro Kauffman, Multimedia Specialist with Penn State World Campus “Teaching is a series of decisions that increase the probability that learning will occur.” Early in my career, when I was working as a high school teacher, someone shared this definition of teaching, and I’ve taken it with me ever since. What struck me…

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Need to Study Effectively?

Ever wonder how many hours of sleep you need to perform at your best? The deep stages of sleep — NREM and REM — are important for cognitive abilities such as memory and problem solving.  And magnesium — a vital mineral we need in our bodies — may improve overall sleep quality, as well as brain performance, memory,…

How to Work Well with Others: The Psychology Behind Group Work

Do your perceptions change when someone discusses an opinion different from your own? Do you find yourself more engaged when your teammates smile and agree with you, or do you find yourself lost for words when someone is talking over you, uptight, and not listening? Did you know that research shows 5 specific personality traits…

The Importance of Community Involvement

There are a multitude of extracurricular activities for anyone interested in participating — sports teams, pub trivia groups, and clubs for nearly every imaginable interest: chess, reading, movie discussions, even zombie awareness (no, seriously: http://zpocawareness.com). While it’s not by any means an absolute necessity to be involved in social groups like these, socialization is important in…

The Heartbleed Bug: 6 Tips to Protect Your Personal Information

You may have heard about the Heartbleed Bug, an Internet security vulnerability that has exposed many Internet users’ personal information. The Heartbleed Bug has affected many websites, email, instant messaging, social networking, and other online services, leaving users of those services at risk. What does this mean for Penn State students and Internet users? The…

Faculty Focus: Megan Baril, Human Development and Family Studies

Dr. Megan Baril is an instructor in the online Human Development and Family Studies program offered through Penn State World Campus. She wrote the curriculum for our Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies course (HD FS 129), and also has taught courses on child development, research methods, and interventions in human development. We chatted…