A University of Friends

The tragic times we have recently faced as a university had seemed to foreshadow a lot of our pride, honor and unity. But as time has passed, we have not wavered in our mutual respect and care for our fellow Penn Staters. Friendships have actually gotten stronger as strangers before now stop, and through conversation…

Who Said That?

In the heat of the paper writing battle where do you get your references? Do you spend much time in the local library? The clock is ticking on that deadline and with as much information as can be found at your fingertips you may be wasting your time. Many of you have lives that often…

Are You Burnt-Out? Planning Wisely to Prevent Overload

After high school, I went to a university on-campus. I was 18, energetic, and fully focused on school. My only responsibility, really, was school. I got a work-study job on campus, which was basically paid study time! Thus, taking 18 credits in one semester was both feasible and smart. Due to personal circumstances, I left…

Memorable Milestones

I asked for this opportunity to submit an article about graduation and here’s why – I almost did not attend my own May graduation. So, to borrow a late-night TV tradition, here is my list of the top five reasons why you should not miss your Penn State graduation weekend. Feel free to prioritize or…

Tips for Test Taking

With final exams coming up, it is important to brush up on your test taking skills. There are many strategies to perform better on exams. Here are some tips to help your semester wrap up well. Test Preparation When it comes to test taking, preparation is a key element. It is important to be as…

Become Proficient in IT for Health Care with a Nursing Informatics Certificate

With the technological developments in the health care industry, it’s important to set yourself apart by gaining the skills necessary to keep up with these advancements. With this is mind, the World Campus is excited to announce that we now offer a 9-credit undergraduate certificate program in nursing informatics. This program combines nursing with information…