Plan ahead to make sure you’ll be ready to graduate and celebrate with Penn State World Campus.
Plan ahead to make sure you’ll be ready to graduate and celebrate with Penn State World Campus.
Penn State has a primary duty regarding behavior on its premises, but there are many circumstances where the off-campus behavior of University students or student organizations is considered of “Substantial University Interest” and may warrant conduct action. Penn State expects students and organizations to conduct themselves in accordance with the law. Off-campus student or student…
Every part of the University is committed to maintaining Penn State’s policy on academic integrity in all courses it offers. Penn State World Campus, the academic unit that is the home of each course, the course instructor, and exam proctors each take academic integrity matters seriously. Academic integrity — scholarship free of fraud and deception — is an important educational…
Learn the deadlines and procedures, and how to make an informed decision, about dropping a course.
Penn State World Campus undergraduate student Justin Lee Hanks is completing an internship at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He recently explained to us how he found this unique experience while pursuing his Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. Tell us about your internship. What work have you gotten to do at the SEC? The…
For many of us, stress seems to be an inevitable part of daily life. Working adult students can have many sources of stress, particularly at certain times such as during final exams or when life events create anxiety. Signs of stress The first step in dealing with stress is recognizing that you are stressed in…
Asking for help can be difficult, especially for adults returning to college. If you’ve ever had a hard time asking for help, just remember the following: Asking for help is a way to be proactive about learning. Asking for help shows the instructor you are invested in your learning and want to do well. Instructors…
Our team of admissions counselors put together this helpful blog post full of tips for making your online learning experience a successful one. Since you’re not attending a class session at a designated time, it does take more self-direction and personal accountability to keep yourself engaged in the materials and completing your assignments when they…
The opportunity to study abroad can be exciting, and can also offer a variety of personal and professional rewards. You would have an opportunity to enrich your educational experience, while also immersing yourself in another culture. An important professional bonus is that you’d get the chance to gain experience working in diverse environments and among…
Choosing to attend graduate school is a big decision. This is a major step that will require significant commitment of time and effort on your part. However, there can be a valuable payoff; your completion of a graduate school program can be a valuable asset in your career, and can pave the way for many…