It’s always been implied that when job seeking, one has to “seek” to find openings. But the definition of “seeking” has expanded — and it’s pretty exciting!
In the past, job-seekers would hear about positions through employers’ job postings or find out about a position by networking with colleagues. Of course, these are still acceptable methods, but now you can have some job openings come to you.
Follow and search for companies on LinkedIn.
When I first read that you can “follow” companies on LinkedIn I thought, “Really? I have enough to follow.” But hear me out.
You can set up daily or weekly automatic updates for new jobs, company updates, and who joined, left, or was promoted. (To learn how, visit either The LinkedIn Blog or the reCareered blog). You set it up once and the requested information comes to you.
Organizations are big and small and in all industries, including education, government, recreation, and the arts. You can search for a company by name or category.
Use Twitter and Skype together to obtain a video interview.
Twitter can be used as a dynamic job search engine. In an earlier post, I have written about how to use Twitter to find job leads through sites such as TweetMyJob.com or TwitJobSearch.com. As a quick review, you can watch this CNN video clip on YouTube about how to set up a query and let the job announcements funnel to you.
Now, if you have a Skype ID and are using twitter via TwitJobSearch.com, you can attach your Skype ID to a tweet to a potential employer with a simple click. When the recruiter sees your tweet, he/she can click on your Skype ID and contact you for an immediate video interview. Imagine the time you can save! Here’s a two minute video demonstration of the feature.
As I get information I share it via my Twitter feed at PSUWC_Lynn. I invite you to follow me!