Ashley Adams: Penn State World Campus Director of Student Affairs

Ashley Adams is the director of Student Affairs for Penn State World Campus. We wanted to understand what her position entails and how she plans to form connections between our online learners. Here’s our discussion: Tell us about your background in Student Affairs. I have worked in the field of higher education for a number of years across…

Links We Love: March 16, 2016

Six things that shouldn’t be missed from this past week! 1. Fifteen animals taking naps! 2. A refugee camp in her native Pakistan inspires Penn Stater to initiate change. 3. Information on using military credits at Penn State World Campus by Matt Miller, admissions counselor. 4. Schedule a mid-day check-in with yourself to make the…

Links We Love: March 11, 2016

Five things that shouldn’t be missed from this past week! 1. Penn State Outreach uses robots to integrate online students into classrooms 2. Six Steps to Tame Your Email Overload 3. Penn State World Campus Canvas Course Orientation 4. Four Ways to Keep ‘Social Road Rage’ Out of the Workplace 5. Leaders and Managers: Architects and Builders

What Interviewers Want to Know

During an interview, potential employers want to gather information to gauge whether you, the position, and the organization are a good fit. Here are some generic questions—and examples of specific questions—an employer may ask in an interview. Use these as a guide for your preparation. Taking a few moments to answer these questions out loud…