Links We Love

Five things that shouldn’t be missed from this past week! 1. A timelapse video of painting ice at Pegula Ice Arena. 2. The 15 Keys to Workplace Happiness. 3. World Campus student Thomas Fritz and Beryl Brodsky at Old Main with their Co-Motion tandem bike. 4. Get the buzz on summer insect bites. 5. Cat…

Confession of the Quiet Girl Behind the Computer: Making Connections Matter

I tend to stick to myself. I participate in discussion boards. I state my opinions and I will even disagree when I need to. I hand in my assignments on time, get good grades and positive feedback. I don’t email the professor frequently to ask questions about assignments or to just pick his/her brain about…

Maximizing Your Week

My last assignment in the Navy was as an officer recruiter. We were required to maintain a weekly planner, which I hated! On Fridays, I would break out a bunch of markers and have to color-code different things that I was doing for the next week. A yellow block of time meant that I was…

Empathy in Leadership

I have often wondered what it is about a leader that stands out for me personally, regardless of the role. Leaders are found everywhere — community leaders, project team leaders, PTA leaders, volunteer leaders, organization leaders, and family leaders. Leadership seems to require a varied mix of attributes, depending on the organization, community, and even…

Penn State Faculty Focus: Douglas R. Lindsay, PhD, Lt. Col., USAF (ret.)

Teaching Graduate Programs in Psychology and Leadership Dr. Lindsay retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2014, after 22 years of dedicated service, to take on the directorship of the Penn State World Campus Master of Professional Studies in Psychology of Leadership at Work (MPS) program. We recently spoke with him about his background and…