Your Mount Rushmore

I am going to continue with the video blogs about my Penn State World Campus experience, and this month, I am coming to you from Mt. Rushmore, in South Dakota. And who knows where I may end up for my next video blog? I am aiming to showcase that Penn State is everywhere, and as…

Penn State Launches the First EA Online Master’s Program in the World

Penn State’s College of Information Sciences and Technology (IST) has launched the first enterprise architecture (EA) program in North America and the first online EA master’s program in the world. The EA program is in response to the rapidly increasing demand for professionals with a unique combination of skills and perspectives to align enterprise information…

Reminder: Check out PawCast!

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the second episode of PawCast, the new World Campus podcast series. In the episode titled “Life as the Nittany Lion,” former mascot, Chuck Kimble, shares some insightful stories from his time in the lion suit. Ever wondered what it’s like to walk out on the field…

Expand Your Horizons with Study Abroad: Getting Started

Study abroad is a great way for you to gain new perspective and immerse yourself in another culture. As a World Campus student, you have many options for study abroad programs through Penn State. If you are considering study abroad, you are encouraged to explore the different available programs via the University Office of Global…

Distance Education: Penn State’s Tradition for Over 100 Years

A Correspondence Course workbook. Penn State is not new to education at a distance. In fact, the first distance education course or correspondence course, as it was called, began in 1892. Penn State was the first institution of higher education to offer such a program. Under the direction of Professor Henry Waters, this course in…