The Research Project Calculator is a great tool to help with your research needs. The Research Project Calculator is a step-by-step way for you to navigate your research process. Enter a due date for your research assignment and it will divide it into project steps, or “chunks”, providing sources for help and information along the…
Stephanie Buckley
Did you know that you could have Libraries’ materials delivered to you? Shipments are made via UPS or US Mail to the address in your library account profile (return mailing label included). Signing up for the service is a two-step procedure: Check to see if you need to update your library account. If you’ve registered…

Is Google your first source for information? As a Penn State student, Google Scholar can take your research to the next level, because you can search for scholarly literature across multiple disciplines, and retrieve citations and full text for a variety of academic sources, including books, journal articles, dissertations, and more! How it Works Set…

Have you ever found an article citation in a bibliography and wondered if the University Libraries has access to it? Citation Linker searches the libraries’ holdings and links you directly to the article – no need to locate the specific journal or database on your own! How it works: Fill in the citation information, such as…

With the Fall semester comes an updated look for the World Campus Library website. And that new look includes the Ask a Librarian chat tab – on every page! Get help wherever you are, whenever you’re online. Just click on the tab, enter a name or choose to ask anonymously, then type your question in…

Your Library is a World Library. And there is a World Campus Library page to help you find services and resources specific to your needs. Some highlights include: Fewer links in order to highlight those that are needed frequently (or hard to find) Find Research Guides – search for research guides by keyword, or browse by…
Investigate all sides of the issue with Opposing Viewpoints in Context Need resources covering current hot-button issues? Want to know what people on both sides of the issue are writing? Check out Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Covering everything from climate change to immigration, Opposing Viewpoints in Context provides you with multiple perspectives on a variety…
Use “Try These First” to begin your research So you have a topic. But where do you start your research? When you want scan a variety of materials to get an idea of what is out there, check out the Try These First page. From one spot, you have access to materials in The CAT,…
Reference materials are only a click away with the Online Reference Shelf When it’s late at night, you’re still 1,200 words away from writing your conclusion, and the coffee isn’t doing its job any more, you need easy access to even the most basic resources to help you with that final push—the Online Reference Shelf…
Set your “cites” on the University Libraries webpage for answers to your citation questions! You’ve been told over and over again, “Cite your sources!” But do you need help figuring out where the period goes, or the difference between MLA and APA? We’ve got help for that! Check out our Citation and Writing Guides page.…