Overcoming Obstacles to Online Learning: Staying Motivated

Unlike on-campus learning, online education does not require students to “report” to class, meet face-to-face with professors and students, or participate in school functions. For many, this is the obvious appeal of going to school online. We can work on our own schedule and “go to” class in our pajamas at midnight if that’s when…

“Mommy Brain”: Memory Tricks for the Busy, Forgetful Student

Memorization is an important, necessary habit we have been practicing since pre-K. If you are like me, however, you either memorized information just long enough to pass the exam or you struggle with retaining what you have learned at all. Remembering terms, people, ideas, and other vital material from my courses has been one of…

Plan for Repetition: How Course Content-Overlap Helps

Every semester, I have (by chance) selected courses that overlap somehow. For example, I once chose to take a forensics course the same semester I took a photography course. Little did I know that forensic science would help solidify lessons I was learning in photography—concepts such as aperture and shutter speed, depth of field and…

Working Together: How to be a Valuable Team Member

I must admit that, since middle school, I have despised group work. In my desire to earn good grades, I have often—and unfortunately—ended up doing the majority of the ‘teamwork’ alone. In the few instances where other individuals are willing to pull their own weight, I tend to still take on the leadership role, mainly…