Being a caregiver while pursuing higher education can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to thrive in both roles.
Being a caregiver while pursuing higher education can be challenging, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to thrive in both roles.
Penn State World Campus provides 10 hours of tutoring free of charge to students in supported courses.
We asked a group of current students to discuss their favorite tools and share their best tips for time management and work/life balance.
Current World Campus students share advice on preparing for your first semester and staying organized in your courses.
Many adult learners feel stressed about trying to remember critical information for their courses, but you can set yourself up for success by incorporating studying strategies that work best for your learning style.
There are many strategies and tips that can help you survive this end-of-semester phase with a minimal amount of stress.
Hosted on the Gather platform, this research fair is designed to be an interactive event, so attendees can view the research posters while also chatting via videoconference with other participants, student presenters, and faculty.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a way to earn college credit by proving you have gained certain knowledge or skills via work experience, volunteer projects, military service, independent study, or other means.
We asked students to share their transfer stories and experiences at Penn State World Campus.
Determine if you have enough time each week to complete the course work required for your planned number of credits in a semester.