I have the good fortune to work alongside a Penn State World Campus alumna. Her enthusiastic work ethic and genuine personality create a positive work experience. Coincidentally, she’s finished the very program I am currently working through, a bachelor’s degree in psychology. Her presence provides me with reassurance when I try to balance work, school, and life. Sharing the ebb and flow of academic demands has helped build camaraderie between us, and it’s been an encouraging way to connect with a coworker.
While academic demands do keep me busy, I’d recommend to fellow students to build in some time to rest and recharge. During the weeks between semesters, pressures can ease up, creating room for levity to slip in. For me, the end of the fall semester and the end of the year combined to create an intermission for this year’s academic performance. I replaced reading and writing with relaxation. Switching to an interval of rest was much needed, but looking at the big picture of the work left to accomplish toward my degree can still feel overwhelming.
Another piece of advice I’d give would be to not let that big picture get you down. While I was proud of my achievements, considering what is left to accomplish caused me to quietly question the propriety of my educational goals. Luckily, my colleague’s subtle reminder on my keyboard (pictured) helped restore my confidence for next semester. That advice, “control everything,” seems unrealistic, but it encourages me to manage what I can and trust I can get through the rest.