Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
Yuki Yamashita shares insights about her student leadership and involvement experiences at World Campus and gives advice for other students.
World Campus student Conette Burney shares insights from her experience as a student leader and gives advice for others considering involvement opportunities.
Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
We asked a group of current students to discuss their favorite tools and share their best tips for time management and work/life balance.
It’s a time when many students eagerly anticipate the interesting topics they will explore in their courses and look forward to other exciting experiences the semester may bring.
We reached out to a group of current World Campus students to find out what they were most worried about when preparing for their first semester — and to get their tips for managing that anxiety.
Current World Campus students share advice on preparing for your first semester and staying organized in your courses.
Deja Bryant is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in political science (with a sociology minor) at World Campus.