The life of an adult learner can be hectic. So much to juggle – family, job, school – that’s my life! As the saying goes, so much to do and so little time with which to do it. Falling into a mildly frantic routine of constant reprioritizing is easy, at least it is for me. Sometimes I focus so diligently on calendars and task lists that I lose track of the bigger picture – the life that I love.
How to find and maintain a healthy balance in life is probably different for everyone. When I begin to lose my grip, it is time to take a step back and reflect. That’s just what I did recently when I left the overflowing laundry hamper and the empty breakfast table behind and headed out the door on my own.
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to build some flexibility into our busy lives in order to make room for unexpected adventures. On this particular day, I found myself headed north on a beautiful Sunday afternoon on my way to the solace of a friend’s family farm for a quiet afternoon of berry picking. Fortunately, I had taken my trusty digital camera along for the ride, because I ended up with a relaxing afternoon of reflection and some great photo ops!
What I Expected
I have always enjoyed taking pictures. Photography is like a form of therapy for me. There is something about putting a camera in front of my face that completely engages my brain and shuts out the rest of the world.
Creating an image means deciding on the frame and focus, choosing the optimal light, and waiting for the perfect moment. Photography gives me the opportunity to engage my creative side, to experiment with different perspectives, to find new and innovative ways to capture what I see and hear for others to experience.
It’s really a different way to focus on the moment…
Since I happened to stop at my favorite roadside barbeque stand along the way, I ate my lunch in the shade overlooking the lovely koi pond. I listened to the birds singing and felt the gentle breeze on my face. Thanks to a tour from my gracious host, I even got to peek inside the animal enclosures to see the baby chicks.
The day turned into so much more than I ever expected! Thank goodness I left my schedule open, which allowed me to take advantage of this great opportunity for a relaxing afternoon.
What I Experienced
And so my message here is that there is more than meets the eye to taking the occasional break from daily demands. Take the opportunity to do something that you love, to be creative, to stretch and grow in new and exciting ways. By taking the focus off the usual, we give ourselves opportunities to explore, to engage, to reflect, to make room for enlarging our perspectives.
Be open and flexible when you can. Take advantage of your own opportunity for a relaxing afternoon when it presents itself and restore the healthy balance.