Links We Love: July 8, 2016

Here are our favorite links from the week: 1. Penn State serves up some deliciousness on Pinterest with a new ‘Tailgating Board.’ 2. Always late? Here are seven helpful tips to start being on time. 3. Learn the power of the network, with the Penn State Alumni Association. 4. Admissions Counselor, Matt Miller, teaches us how to make the…

Military Education Benefits at Penn State World Campus

When choosing a college or university, one of the first details that you should take into consideration is how to fund your education. Whether you are a service member, service member’s spouse, or a veteran, Penn State World Campus takes an active role in providing and accommodating education benefits. Military Grant-in-Aid If you are seeking…

Links We Love: June 8, 2016

A collection of our favorite links from around the web: 1. Five tips for choosing an online degree that’s right for you with great information from our military admissions counselor, Matt Miller. 2. Six expert tips for achieving zero inbox every day. 3. Check out our Penn State World Campus Instagram account for great photos…

Where I Learn

Penn State World Campus students study and complete course assignments in a variety of places and spaces throughout the world. From kitchen counters, to military housing facilities, to on-the-go offices on planes and trains — our students are getting it done! Here are some examples of where some our students are working right now: 1.…

Links We Love: April 29, 2016

ICYMI, here are some great stories that we’ve stumbled upon in the last week! 1.) Ready for graduation? Visit Penn State’s Mortar Board on Pinterest to see some of our favorite commencement moments. 2.) De-stress and sleep easy with the help of these five relaxation apps. 3.) Scammers often target students by posing as financial…