Some students find it intimidating to talk with their instructors—but there’s no need to be nervous. Your instructors are eager to help you, and welcome your questions. Learning to communicate effectively with instructors can be beneficial to your academic success. We asked a few World Campus instructors share their tips on how students can best…
Looking for a new career soon? Check out the career resources page with University Libraries! Whether you want to research companies, find out where the best job openings are, or need some help with your cover letter and resume, we have what you need. Our “Career Resources for all Majors” page has links to resources…

Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, affectionately shortened to just “THON”. Twelve million dollars raised this past February and just as many wishes for a cure for cancer. I begin with their mission statement: “The mission of the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon is to conquer pediatric cancer by providing outstanding emotional and financial support to…

I have my own personal motivation for completing my degree. In December, I am going to get to be a kid all over again, and its all because of my education from Penn State. Let me know what keeps you motivated during the dog days of the semester. Keep your eyes on the prize as you complete your semester…

For the second Blue & White Society spotlight feature, member Ivy Moon-Rumsey shares a little about herself. Ivy is a Letters, Arts, and Sciences student originally from New York, but currently living in State College, PA. She is a passionate World Campus student with lots of Penn State pride. Ivy answered a couple of questions…
I know that doing a mock job interview is intimidating. Let’s face it, who really wants to watch themselves perform during an interview with all the “um,” “like,” and “you know” comments we all make? Yes, I understand the anxiety, but let me share two facts with you: When employers rate the importance of job…

The spring semester is coming to an end in a few weeks. I personally feel papered out. Even picking a subject for a paper has become a daunting task. I have even gone so far as to register for statistics in the fall semester to get out of doing papers. I totally don’t like statistics,…

April 22 is Earth Day in the United States, and we wanted to share about some of the exciting Penn State sustainability initiatives that strive to cut down on waste, increase recycling, and promote sustainable living. 1. “No Can Do” The “No Can Do” initiative has the ambitious goal of having zero waste on campus.…
Reference materials are only a click away with the Online Reference Shelf When it’s late at night, you’re still 1,200 words away from writing your conclusion, and the coffee isn’t doing its job any more, you need easy access to even the most basic resources to help you with that final push—the Online Reference Shelf…
If, for reasons beyond your control, you are unable to complete a course within the prescribed amount of time, it may be possible to have your grade deferred for the course and complete it at a later date. A few things to remember when requesting a deferred grade: Approval for a deferred grade must be…