Alpha Sigma Lambda Member Spotlight

Meet World Campus alum Michael McNamara from New York, who graduated with his bachelor’s degree in turfgrass science. During his time with World Campus, Michael won The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) Mendenhall Award, the Trans-Mississippi Vickers Award and numerous academic scholarships. Michael is a member of the Pi Delta Chi chapter of…

Overcoming Obstacles to Online Learning: Staying Motivated

Unlike on-campus learning, online education does not require students to “report” to class, meet face-to-face with professors and students, or participate in school functions. For many, this is the obvious appeal of going to school online. We can work on our own schedule and “go to” class in our pajamas at midnight if that’s when…

PawCast: The University Libraries: Tips, Tools, and Tricks

Learning at a distance doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the various services available through the Penn State Libraries. Ranking among the top ten research libraries in North America, the University Libraries are a great resource for students in all fields of study. In this episode of PawCast, we explore how you can make…

Lights, Camera, Anxiety!!

When the camera is on you, do you feel a certain sense of anxiety, stress, nervousness, or maybe even a little sweat dripping from your forehead? Recently, the World Campus wanted to film a video of my study habits and ways that I overcome test anxiety. I instantly said “yes,” anything to help my university…