On July 1, the new executive board for the Penn State World Campus chapter of the Blue and White Society took office. We got some feedback from the new board members — Chase Kelly, Ray Vasquez, and Kelly Holcombe — on their plans for the coming year, and what they enjoy most about the Blue and White Society.

Chase Kelly
Information Sciences and Technology student from King George, Virginia
“To me, membership in the Blue and White Society exemplifies Penn State’s overwhelming devotion to community and lifelong friendship development. It is by far the best way to enhance your World Campus student experience and truly feel like a part of our amazing university!”
“As the newly elected President of the World Campus Blue and White Society, I hope to bring new standards of engagement to our chapter throughout the next year. Nothing says Penn State like sporting events, special faculty conferences, online learning sessions, and of course, THON. We are already stirring up new and exciting ways for World Campus students and Blue and White Society members to virtually engage in more time-honored activities held across physical campuses. The coming year promises to be very exciting for our chapter.”

Vice President
Ray Vasquez
Information Sciences and Technology and Security and Risk Analysis (dual major) student from Dallax, Texas
“The most exciting thing about the Blue and White Society is that it promotes student involvement. Penn State has always been innovative with their online campus. The Blue and White Society helps students connect with their school, network, and be involved with Penn State in a way unique to the online learning environment.”
“In the coming year, we hope to increase our THON presence, increase our relationship with the school via events, increase our membership to provide more networking opportunity, and increase our relationship with the nationwide chapters of the Penn State Alumni Association. We believe these relationships will help enhance the Penn State World Campus student experience.”

Director of Communications
Kelly Holcombe
Organizational Leadership student from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“I find the Blue and White Society so exciting because it is a great opportunity to stay connected to Penn State, meet students, and connect with alumni.”
“This year, I am most excited for all we have planned to connect with one other. We have many exciting new initiatives to get members involved.”
Have questions?
You can contact the executive board at wcbluewhite@outreach.psu.edu.