Victoria Raish, Penn State World Campus Online Learning Librarian, has put together three valuable resources that can aid you when using the library for course work or other assignments.
Credo Tutorials
The Penn State University Libraries has invested in a set of modules known as the Credo Information Literacy Tutorials, available to any Penn State student, including Penn State World Campus students. These videos and tutorials can assist you with topics that you may struggle with, such as how to cite in APA or identify an empirical article. The following are just a sampling of what you will see covered in Credo Tutorials:
- Thesis Statements
- The Research Process
- How to Reach Scholarly Materials
- Primary and Secondary Research
- Evaluating Sources
- APA Citation Style
- MLA Citation Style
- Chicago Style Book Citations
We have several thousand e-Books available via the Penn State University Libraries. You can search for these by going to libraries.psu.edu and searching by book/e-book. If the e-book is available, it will provide a description as “online” on the website. Simply click the title and you will gain immediate access to the e-book. Access the library website to search for any books that you need for your courses. This process may provide you with immediate access to the e-books or you can choose to have physical books shipped to you.
Also, be sure to check this resource every semester to see if an e-book will be available to you via the library resources tab in your Canvas course.
Alumni Library
Many students ask if they will have access to library resources after they graduate from Penn State World Campus. We have an alumni library, which is accessible if you become a member of the Penn State Alumni Association. This opportunity keeps you connected to the Penn State community and provides you with resources and information, including databases that we have been able to negotiate for use by alumni.
If you have any questions about Credo Tutorials, e-books, or using the alumni library, please email victoria@psu.edu for assistance.