If, for reasons beyond your control, you are unable to complete a course within the prescribed amount of time, it may be possible to have your grade deferred for the course and complete it at a later date. A few things to remember when requesting a deferred grade: Approval for a deferred grade must be…

In just four months, the Fall semester will commence and, though many have already registered for courses, there is still plenty of time to decide what classes to take. In pursuit of our degrees, we are required to take several ‘general ed’ courses. Many times, we do not take such classes seriously—we just take whatever…
Before the spring semester gets under way, take a second to understand Penn State’s policy on dropping courses, and how it can affect your tuition. If you drop a course after the semester begins you will be assessed a tuition fee. If you replace it with another course during the drop/add period, you will not…
Having the correct information in the Penn State Directory is important for all students. This information is used in a number of situations, for example, if staff need to call a student about their tuition bill, exam issues, or proctor information. Penn State also uses your contact information for mailings, such as your diploma after…
If you are considering adding or dropping a course, there are many factors you will want to consider: Is there still time to add or drop a course? Will dropping a course affect my progress towards my degree? Will a change in my course schedule have financial implications? Penn State maintains three periods relating to…