Learn how to enroll in summer 2019 courses in LionPATH.
Learn how to enroll in summer 2019 courses in LionPATH.
Plan ahead to make sure you’ll be ready to graduate and celebrate with Penn State World Campus.
Learn the deadlines and procedures, and how to make an informed decision, about dropping a course.
Learn about tools available in LionPATH to help you register for courses.
Paying your bill is a critical step that completes your registration as a student. Learn what you can expect and what you can do to take care of your bill-related needs with these common questions and answers from the World Campus Office of the Bursar. Note that all of these questions and answers are correct…
Fall registration begins soon, and students will follow a new process to register in LionPATH. While LionPATH is still under development and it may take some time to get familiar with the new system, it features a number of tools designed to help you plan ahead and register for your preferred classes. You may find…
Fall 2016 course registration will begin in March — and it will happen in LionPATH, Penn State’s new online system for student information and enrollment. Your first LionPATH notification as a student will be an “Activity Guide” email. You will receive this email when it’s time for you to take action to prepare for fall…
In the first part of this blog, we identified self-assessment as the first step to pursuing a job in your organization. The fundamentals in this post will address understanding your organization and researching what others do, including how to reach out to others. Know Your Company How many of you understand what other people in…
Beginning with registration for the spring 2014 semester, veteran students will be eligible for priority registration. Veterans who have been honorably discharged from all branches of the U.S. military will qualify. Priority registration allows eligible students to register for courses earlier than other students. For the spring 2014 semester, priority registration will begin on October…
At Penn State, registering for courses is a two-step process. You must schedule your courses, and then pay your tuition bill or confirm that you’ll be using financial aid. You have until July 15, 2013 to complete your registration for the second 6-week summer 2013 semester. If you do not pay your bill and complete your…