Penn State World Campus is committed to maintaining a high level of academic integrity, which is defined as “the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner.” Matters are taken very seriously when academic integrity is questioned. You can avoid future problems by educating yourself on this policy.
University policy states that creating work that compromises academic integrity can result in a failing grade or referral to the Office of Student Conduct. Sometimes students submit work as their own without even knowing that they have breached the standards of academic integrity.
What are Some Examples of Academic Dishonesty?
- Submitting work previously used without permission
- Cheating
- Plagiarizing
- Unauthorized possession of assignments, quizzes or exams
- Unauthorized collaboration
- Fabrication of information or citations
- Buying or selling papers, assignments, quizzes or exams
- Having someone take an exam for you and / or taking an exam for someone else
How are Violations of Academic Integrity Handled?
All colleges at Penn State abide by the University academic integrity policy, and each follow a similar process in handling cases of alleged misconduct. To review a specific college’s information regarding academic integrity please see the Academic Integrity Contacts Chart on our website.
General Steps
- When a student is questioned about academic integrity, the instructor will communicate with the student and then may file an academic integrity violation charge with the college responsible for the course.
- The student has a choice to accept or contest the charge.
- If the student contests the charge, the process will be managed by the respective college and the Office of Student Conduct, if disciplinary sanctions are needed.
- The student may not drop the course or withdraw from the university unless found not responsible in this process.
What’s Expected of World Campus Students?
As a Penn State World Campus student, you are expected to act with civility and personal integrity in order to maintain an environment where all students can thrive and enjoy the fruits of their own efforts.
Please read more about academic integrity on our website.