How Do You Want to Drive Your Education? Increasing Student Engagement in Online Courses

How do you want to drive your education — in the slow lane doing 20 mph or in a sports car cruising in the passing lane? This is essentially what Penn State President Barron said when he addressed the Board of Trustees for the first time last year, and one of his key points was…

Help for Online Students during Pregnancy Complications

It’s been some time since we last checked in with Terry Watson, disability contact liaison for Penn State World Campus students. Recently, a new provision has been added to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that may impact World Campus students who are pregnant. Half of our student population is female, and those women who…

How I Became a Penn Stater through Student Engagement Opportunities

Annah Jensen is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Penn State World Campus. Annah takes one class per semester to help keep her workload more manageable. She lives in Bradenton, Florida, and works full-time as a receiving office supervisor for a privately owned environmental laboratory. Here’s Annah’s story of how she strengthened her Penn…

Penn State Alumni Association: Participation Opportunities

With more than 645,000 Penn State alumni, chances are that you’ll run into someone from this network of thousands, whether you’re traveling down the block or around the globe! You can join this network as a World Campus student or as a graduate, and reap many benefits at the different stages of your educational experience…