Managing Your Time

Now that you have survived the first two weeks of the new semester, red markings blocking off time for various commitments may have magically begun to appear on your calendar. If this is the case for you, there is no better time to begin getting organized. Between work, school, family, and other responsibilities, your schedule…

Learning Forensic Science at Penn State

As a Penn State student and lawyer, one of the most enticing and refreshing academic experiences I had so far was taking FRNSC 200 (Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation), a course specially tailored to understand how the basic principles of forensic science should be applied to crime scene investigations. The Importance of Conducting a Proper…

Not an End but a Beginning

Engaged in a good book I hardly noticed the plane touch down with its familiar lurch. The cabin lights came on and passengers began to shuffle about each other unloading the overhead compartments and dispersing to their various destinations. Stuffing my book in my backpack my mind began to wander over the myriad tasks, duties…

Meet Janet, a Jane Ireland Student Fund Recipient

Today we are talking with Janet Konarski, a criminal justice student and recipient of the Jane Ireland Student Fund scholarship. Janet shares a little about her most valuable experiences during her time at World Campus. What has been the most rewarding part about returning to school? By putting the time in, I actually have done…