Joe Stariha has a unique perspective of the World Campus HelpDesk experience—because he sees it from both sides. He graduated from Penn State World Campus in May, 2010, with an Associate’s Degree in Information Sciences and Technology, and was hired as a HelpDesk technician in October, 2011. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in…
Last minute questions? Mid-paper panic? A more extensive research problem? The University Libraries are here to help you, on the phone and online! If you have a quick question you need answered right away, Chat Live with a librarian. Hours are: Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to midnight; Thursday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and…

Check out the latest episode of PawCast where we sit down with newly named Penn State laureate, Christopher Staley. Listen as the distinguished professor, with over 30 years of experience as a ceramic artist and educator, shares his unique outlook on the interrelationship between art and life. In this interesting interview you will get to…

A few more Penn State World Campus and Continuing Education spring 2012 graduates share their experiences and advice. Rachel Clark, B.A. Psychology “I work, have four children, a husband in the Marine Corps, and I had not opened a text book in almost 15 years. The decision to earn a B.A. in Psychology from Penn…

As I sat looking out the window at my children playing on the lawn some weeks ago I was struck with the thought that I was tremendously fortunate. Here I sat at my computer in my home able to work and attend school without ever having to leave. I gratefully pondered my good fortune for…
Are you having difficulty in some of your courses? If there are certain classes that you are struggling with, now is the time to consider receiving help. World Campus offers tutoring for several different courses. Tutoring for World Campus students is available through Penn State Learning and sessions take place via the Elluminate web collaboration…

The essence of the best thinking in the area of time management can be captured in a single phrase: Organize and execute around priorities. ~ Stephen Covey It’s the beginning of the week. You flip open the weekly planner to see what is coming up in your class, work, and personal schedule. Suddenly, you realize…

Pursuing a college degree in a virtual environment can sometimes be challenging. In my particular case, this circumstance has been even more marked due to the fact of living in another continent. During these past semesters at Penn State I have not only been able to enjoy a high quality education, but also the positive…
Ashley Pipe, production specialist with the quality assurance team for Penn State World Campus Learning Design, keeps an important item on her desk to remind her of family. When Ashley was three and her sister was two months old, her parents ventured across the continent in a van from Alaska to Pennsylvania. As a family of four, they made the trek in only…

Recent Penn State World Campus and Continuing Education graduates share their thoughts, feelings, advice, and experiences from their time as students. Margaret Clanagan, B.S. Letters, Arts, and Sciences “It took me 7 years going non-stop to obtain my bachelor’s degree but I stuck with it and am very proud of my accomplishment. Having the flexibility…