Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities. We are excited to spotlight some of these excellent student leaders.
Dane Sorensen is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in labor and human resources at World Campus. He has served as the Governmental Affairs Committee Chair for the World Campus Student Government Association and as president of the Military Service Organization, and has also had roles as a World Campus Student Faculty Senator, Student Ambassador, and Smart Track Mentor.
What has your involvement as a student leader at World Campus meant to you?
“After leaving the military, I have found it difficult to replace the hole it left in my life. By being involved in all of my roles, I have gained the satisfaction of knowing I am making a difference in our online community, whether mentoring a new student entering World Campus or hanging out with my fellow student veterans on Zoom calls. Serving others and building a strong community bring me joy and fulfillment.”
If you could go back and tell yourself one thing when starting your college career, what would it be?
“I would tell myself to get involved earlier. I have gained so much experience in leadership, networking, and time management through my various roles at World Campus, all of which was done in such a short amount of time. If I had joined the Student Government Association or any other organization at World Campus earlier, I could have had four years of experience, which not only helps as a student leader, but also in obtaining respectable internships or career opportunities upon graduation. The skills you are going to learn while working as a student leader are unique and cannot be replicated anywhere else.”
Any advice for other World Campus students?
“The decision to seek a higher education is a major life decision, a decision that is hard to fulfill, especially for those who are adult learners.
For all the adult learners coming to World Campus, please follow in the footsteps of so many of us and not only join an amazing university, but also connect with your fellow students. Although you may never meet a fellow student in person, you have an opportunity to make your college experience one that helps you develop a breadth of knowledge and skills through the various organizations World Campus has to offer. Whether you are a veteran, a member or supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, or an aspiring labor relations professional, there is an organization for you to join and connect with others in. The support and love you’ll receive in these organizations will not only help keep you motivated through your journey at Penn State but also give you the tools you need to better yourself in the professional world.”
Related resources:
- Student organizations — check out the variety of organizations World Campus students can join
- How to form a student organization — if you have an idea for a new student organization, learn about the process for getting it started