It is our pleasure to announce the winners of the 2022 Penn State World Campus Homecoming Court!
As part of the nominee process, candidates completed an application describing ways they embody the Penn State Values and have strived for excellence in academics, student involvement, community service, or leadership. Winners were selected by the World Campus Homecoming Committee across four categories: Student Court (undergraduates), Graduate Court, Alumni Court, and University Court (faculty/staff).
Penn State Homecoming Week 2022 will be celebrated the week of October 16, and the World Campus Homecoming Committee has organized several events, including in-person events for those able to travel to the University Park campus. A World Campus Court representative will additionally be recognized with the “For the Glory” award during homecoming week. The World Campus Homecoming Court Recognition Ceremony will take place (both virtually and in-person) on October 21 from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. (ET).
Congratulations to all the winners!
Members of the 2022 World Campus Homecoming Court:
Student Court:
- Michael Barin
- Leah Boyd
- Cody Buck
- Rebecca Foust
- Ashley Miller
- Daniel Serfass
- Lauren Wellar
Graduate Court:
- Carrie Decker
- Nicole Kisslinger
- Jakeline Salan-Del Cid
- Danielle Ray
Alumni Court:
- Naomi Butcher
- Donna Butler
- Ariel Hinojos
University Court:
- Dr. James Lingwall
- Dr. Leana Topper
Learn more about the 2022 Court and the Homecoming Week events on the Penn State World Campus Homecoming Committee page.