Last week we introduced you to Kaleigh Miller, Director of Communications for the World Campus chapter of the Blue & White Society. In today’s post you will have the opportunity to get to know Director of Membership, Julie Patosky.
Julie, who is currently pursuing her master’s degree in community and economic development, serves in a key position on the executive board. In her role of Director of Membership, she works to recruit new members as well retain the current membership. Julie shares a little about her Penn State and Blue & White Society experience.
What plans do you have for the Blue & White Society for the coming year?
My primary goal is to provide more opportunities for the members to engage with each other through the Blue & White Society as well as with Penn State, World Campus, and the Alumni Association. I want each member to feel value in their membership.
How do you hope to connect Blue & White members to Penn State?
I hope provide members living anywhere the opportunity to connect and engage with all of Penn State through various avenues, such as events with other Penn State campuses, alumni chapters, virtual events, and hopefully more new and exciting initiatives. I will strive to be communicative with the membership about Penn State news, events, and happenings that may be appropriate.
What has been your most memorable Blue & White Society moment thus far?
I have enjoyed meeting fellow students from various academic programs within the World Campus. Earlier in the semester, at the first general membership meeting of the year, I played the Penn State Alma Mater. The response from those in attendance was that of gratitude and pride, and I felt more connected to those in attendance and it renewed my pride in being a Penn Stater, not only as a staff member, but also as a student.
What is your favorite Penn State memory?
I’m hoping my favorite Penn State memory is in close reach as I work diligently to graduate in the fall semester with a master’s degree!
What is your favorite way of showing your Penn State pride?
I like to share information about Penn State research, humanitarian efforts of the Penn State community, academics, and news about Penn Staters doing good things around the world. Also, since my office is located at University Park, I support Penn State by frequently eating Berkey Creamery ice cream!
Join the World Campus Blue & White Society Chapter
Not a Blue & White Society member? Why not? There are many benefits of membership. Join now and start taking advantage of all that being a part of the Penn State Alumni Association has to offer.