Do You Know Penn State’s Academic Integrity Policy?

Penn State World Campus is committed to maintaining a high level of academic integrity, which is defined as “the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner.” Matters are taken very seriously when academic integrity is questioned. You can avoid future problems by educating yourself on this policy. University policy states that creating…

World Campus Student Travels Cross-Country for University Park Visit

When John Rutan stepped foot on the Penn State University Park campus for the first time in August, it was the culmination of a long journey—both literally and figuratively. John had come all the way from southern California to visit the campus, but he had also made the decision to return to school after many…

How to Talk to Your Instructor

For some, communicating with professors can be intimidating, but communicating with them can be beneficial for you, your education, and your career. Taking a few tips into account can help you to talk with your professors in an effective manner which may better your skills as a communicator in the workforce as well. 1. Introduce…

Helpful Hints for Online Note Taking

Online note taking may seem difficult, but taking notes for online courses and residential instruction have many similarities. Here are some of the best techniques for effective note taking. Effective Methods Outlining: Organizing with textbook readings Cornell Method: Dividing the page into two sections for notes and key words Paragraph Form:  Summarizing in your own…

World Campus Grad Completes Impressive Goal to Reach Law School

When Blake Stiles graduated with a degree in Organizational Leadership from Penn State World Campus this summer, he marked the completion of “a 24-month rollercoaster ride that has been a wonderful milestone” in his life, he says. Blake completed a four-year enlistment with the U.S. Marine Corps in October 2008. His military service had taken…

Recorded Career Webinars

I want to thank those of you who’ve attended the career webinars so far! I appreciate it and hope you find the information helpful. I’ve been asked about recordings for students unable to make the live sessions. Yes, the webinars are recorded for later viewing, formatted as a table or text list, and will be…