With the new semester right around the corner, now is the time to begin getting prepared. From completing registration to arranging a proctor, check out a few tips World Campus staff members had to share to make sure you’re ready. Know how Summer Student Aid Works As summer tuition bills come due, remember that student…
Academic Success
Some students find it intimidating to talk with their instructors—but there’s no need to be nervous. Your instructors are eager to help you, and welcome your questions. Learning to communicate effectively with instructors can be beneficial to your academic success. We asked a few World Campus instructors share their tips on how students can best…

I have my own personal motivation for completing my degree. In December, I am going to get to be a kid all over again, and its all because of my education from Penn State. Let me know what keeps you motivated during the dog days of the semester. Keep your eyes on the prize as you complete your semester…

The spring semester is coming to an end in a few weeks. I personally feel papered out. Even picking a subject for a paper has become a daunting task. I have even gone so far as to register for statistics in the fall semester to get out of doing papers. I totally don’t like statistics,…
If, for reasons beyond your control, you are unable to complete a course within the prescribed amount of time, it may be possible to have your grade deferred for the course and complete it at a later date. A few things to remember when requesting a deferred grade: Approval for a deferred grade must be…

I will be graduating in May of this year, so I have been reflecting a lot on recent accomplishments while excitedly anticipating future opportunities. While I am still uncertain what I will be doing there is no question in how I will approach whatever it is I do. Here are some of the central values that I have come…

Finally! My favorite time of year has arrived! I love spring so much! There is nothing more refreshing then looking out the window and seeing the crocuses peeping out of the ground or seeing the fresh blooms on the daffodils. Not to mention my son’s birthday is right around the corner as well as mine…

Greetings everyone! Spring is finally here, and along with it baseball season, March Madness, and the close of another semester. Semester’s end can be both exciting and hectic. Exciting because in four weeks a lot of hard work will finally end. Hectic because there is still four weeks of hard work to go! For many,…

Test taking can sometimes be a nerve-wracking and overwhelming experience. If you have ever felt anxious while studying or sitting for an exam, check out the latest episode of PawCast where we talk about the physiological condition known as test anxiety. Not sure what the best testing environment is, or how to properly prepare for…

World Campus Information Sciences and Technology student, Jamie Reep, is a member of the Pi Delta Chi chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda. Jamie shares why he has found his experience with Alpha Sigma Lambda to be rewarding. Check out what he has to say in the video below!