Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities.
Many of our students at Penn State World Campus are strong leaders whose enthusiasm often motivates their peers to get involved in student organizations and activities. We are excited to spotlight some of these excellent student leaders.
We’re excited to introduce the members of the 2023 Penn State World Campus Homecoming Court!
It’s almost time for Penn State to celebrate Homecoming Week, and there are plenty of ways for Penn State World Campus students to get involved and share in the excitement — both this year and in the future. You can join the Homecoming Committee, apply to be on the Homecoming Court, or join any of…
Officially known as the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, THON™ focuses on raising money for childhood cancer research and is the largest student-run philanthropy initiative in the world.
Penn State Homecoming Week 2022 will be celebrated the week of October 16, and the World Campus Homecoming Committee has organized several events, including in-person events for those able to travel to the University Park campus.
You can now listen to the latest episode of “Conversations with Student Affairs,” the podcast managed by the Student Affairs team at Penn State World Campus in collaboration with our many colleagues and partners across the University’s Student Affairs teams.
The World Campus Sustainability Club connects World Campus students with other Penn Staters interested in advancing sustainability. If this is a cause that is important to you, joining the Sustainability Club is a great opportunity to meet others who share that interest so you can exchange resources and brainstorm ideas for how to take positive…
We are excited to announce the very first Penn State World Campus Homecoming Court! Court members were selected by the Homecoming Committee after nominees completed an application highlighting the ways in which they embody the Penn State Values and have strived for excellence in academics, student involvement, community service, or leadership. The Court consists of…