Interesting Insights from Penn State World Campus Students on National Online Learning Day

On Tuesday, September 15, we honored our Penn State World Campus online learners by celebrating National Online Learning Day. To mark the occasion, we asked our Instagram audience a few questions about their online learning experience. Here is what they had to say.    How did you know Penn State World Campus was right for you?  We…

Advice to New Students

It might seem hard to believe, but the summer is almost over and a new semester is right around the corner. A new semester might mean new courses, new professors, and new opportunities, but it also means a new group of students will be joining the Penn State World Campus community.   Learning online can be…

Advice For The Graduates

Graduation — the end of one chapter but the beginning of a completely new chapter filled with brand new experiences. With these new experiences are bound to come obstacles. Luckily, these obstacles don’t have to be a bad thing. They are part of what makes life exciting and often shape you into being a better,…

Top Tips For De-Stressing

School work, jobs, parenting, cooking, cleaning, and so much more. We get it. Everyone has a lot on their plates right now and everything might be a little overwhelming. April is Stress Awareness Month, so now is a great time to focus on improving your mental health so you can be the best version of…