Thanks to a partnership coordinated by World Campus Student Affairs, students can use the Headspace Care app and virtual mental health services at no cost for a year.
Thanks to a partnership coordinated by World Campus Student Affairs, students can use the Headspace Care app and virtual mental health services at no cost for a year.
Navigating the landscape of relationships can be challenging, but when money enters the mix, the stakes can rise significantly. When there is a financial aspect to a relationship, it can be a unifying force or a source of tension because our money behaviors often reflect deeper dynamics and emotions.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month is nationally recognized each September. Penn State World Campus Mental Health Case Manager Michelle Henry has answered some important questions that may affect students related this topic and the stigma surrounding mental health.
There are many strategies and tips that can help you survive this end-of-semester phase with a minimal amount of stress.
As we head into the end of the semester and prepare for upcoming final exams, Penn State World Campus Student Affairs encourages you to make your mental health and well-being a priority.
November is recognized as National Veterans and Military Families Month, and we want to express our appreciation for the veterans and military family members among our Penn State World Campus community. We are grateful for the many sacrifices your families have made to help protect the freedoms we all enjoy.
As we reach the end of Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, we wanted to share some resources to help you learn more about mental health issues and think about ways you can support your own mental health and that of the people around you.
Mental health professionals use a variety of tools to assess current mental health status, evaluate safety, identify risk, and link people with the recommended level of service. But what can you do to help someone around you who may be showing signs of mental health distress?
ZaMyra Dow-Shaw recently joined the Penn State World Campus Student Affairs team as a mental health case manager.
Spending too much time staring at a screen can lead to vision and lower back problems, as well as increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. As online learners at Penn State World Campus, it’s especially important to be proactive in preventing these issues.